Friday, July 16, 2010

Troubled Childhood Story #1

The Liar’s Club

EW grade: A

EW Review: Poet Mary Karr's The Liar's Club, a memoir of growing up in a '60s Texan refinery town, is nothing short of superb. Raised by an alcoholic Gulf Oil union man and a failed artist, Karr resolves her love for her dysfunctional parents with her tragicomic take on them, quarrying from a past a less courageous author might have played for sympathy.

I chose to read this book because of the accolades in Stephen King’s book and her romance with David Foster Wallace. People have mixed feelings about this memoir and I have to admit, my expectations were high. What is really sad is that I think the reason I didn’t like it is because I relate to it. Not so much that the events of my childhood mirror hers but because of the similarities in the way she dealt with her issues, focusing on the small, seemly insignificant “assaults” rather than the larger crisis which would ultimately shape her life.

I liked it... somewhat

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